Meaning of namaskar karna in english

Interpreting namaskar karna - नमस्कार करना
As noun : bow Ex:  In terms of music, vacuum rope, pulling one whose sound with the bow without wearing any finger
hail Ex:  strong, weak voice, hail
As verb : recognise Ex:  Over the months, I have come to recognise each of them .
Other : to greet Ex:  He arrived in time to greet García de Escalante Alvarado to salute Ex:  Baisser sword, flag, to salute a leader salute Ex:  Baisser sword, flag, to salute a leader
Suggested : to cheer, salute, or greet welcome Military to pay respect to or honor by some formal act, as by raising the right hand to the side of the headgear, presenting arms, firing cannon, dipping colors, etc to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc to bend the knee or body or incline the head, as in reverence, submission, salutation, recognition, or acknowledgment
Exampleनमस्कार करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of namaskar karna Antonyms of namaskar karna

Word of the day
namaskar karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras. Transliteration : namaskaara karanaa

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