Meaning of neecha dikhana,nicha dikhana in english
Interpreting neecha dikhana,nicha dikhana - नीचा दिखाना
As noun : make look small
do down put down Ex:  It still employs transitively in the sense of removing a thing or a person from a high place to put down
As verb : humiliate humble Ex:  In terms of Civility, Making very humble thanks abase demean mortify Ex:  two Who is rigorous genres body and mortify the senses and the spirit denigrate Ex:  Personal Review, one where there is less applicable to face the faults of a book that denigrate the character and private life of author
Suggested : to speak damagingly of criticize in a derogatory manner sully defame to humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect to conduct or behave (oneself) in a specified manner to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation humble degrade not proud or arrogant modest
Word of the day
Usage of नीचा दिखाना:
1. अपने आप को नीचा दिखाना बंद कीजिए
neecha dikhana,nicha dikhana
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
niichaa dikhaanaa