Meaning of nichata in english

Interpreting nichata - नीचता
As noun : turpitude Ex:  This shows that individual turpitude
meanness Ex:  There is meanness in all its actions
Other : vileness baseness inferiority Ex:  inferiority comparison lowliness villainousness scurviness
Suggested : lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (often followed by to ) wretchedly bad the state or quality of being mean vile, shameful, or base character depravity
Exampleनीचता का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of nichata Antonyms of nichata

Word of the day
Usage of नीचता:
1. अब उसकी पत्नी का प्रेमी और ज्यादा नीचता पर उतर आया jagran.comRelated words :
nichata can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : niichataa

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