Meaning of nishthavan in english

Interpreting nishthavan - निष्ठावान्
As noun : stalwart उ:   छत्रसाल एक निष्ठावान सामन्त बना रहा।
faithful Ex:  Eastertide also said, in a narrower sense, the Period during which the faithful must fulfill their Easter duty
As verb : devoted Ex:  There are magazines devoted to parrots as pets उ:   निष्ठावान कार्यकर्ता औंधे मुंह गिरने लगे।
As adjective : loyal Ex:  However, downstate fans are also loyal to adjacent sports markets, such as St. उ:   राजा उल्कामुखभी निष्ठावान सत्यव्रतीथे।
Other : devoted Ex:  Thus Lissitzky soon devoted himself to Jewish art
Suggested : to give up or appropriate to or concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc
Exampleनिष्ठावान् का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of nishthavan Antonyms of nishthavan

Word of the day
nishthavan . No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : niShThaavaan

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