Meaning of nikasee kee chiththee,nikasi ki chiththi in english
Interpreting nikasee kee chiththee,nikasi ki chiththi - निकासी की चिठ्ठी
Other : protection Ex:  Shortly thereafter, the U.S. signed a protection treaty with Panama.
passport Ex:  Exhibiting his passport
Suggested : an official document issued by the government of a country to one of its citizens and, varying from country to country, authorizing travel to foreign countries and authenticating the bearer's identity , citizenship , right to protection while abroad, and right to reenter his or her native country the act of protecting or the state of being protected preservation from injury or harm
Exampleनिकासी की चिठ्ठी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
nikasee kee chiththee,nikasi ki chiththi
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
nikaasii kii chiThThii