Meaning of nyunata in english
Interpreting nyunata - न्यूनता
As noun : shortfall उ: समान रूप से ऊनविम समतल की न्यूनता एक है।
privation उ: वायु और जल की न्यूनता के कारण यह उतनी उपजाऊ नहीं है।
Other : codimension (=deficiency उ: अन्य सब प्रकार की अल्पबुद्धिता को गौण मानसिक न्यूनता कहना चाहिए। defectiveness codimension (deficiency sortage wantage defect Ex:  This vice Pronunciation due to a defect of the organ decrement balance of the deficiency shortage Ex:  Food aid can benefit people suffering from a shortage of food. decrease Ex:  If restricted to one thing, Getting limit, s 'y decrease deficiency shortness Ex:  Short breath, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and frequent failing Ex:  Tolson was in failing health and no longer able to attend to his duties. lack Ex:  The lack of an atmosphere scarcity
Suggested : a deficiency in quantity a shortcoming, fault, or imperfection having a defect or flaw faulty imperfect lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life the quantity or extent by which something falls short deficiency shortage
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : न्यूनतम करना - minimize
Other : न्यूनतम अज्ञेय भेद - just not noticeable difference न्यूनतम अतिरेक कूट - minimum redundancy code न्यूनतम अभिदान - minimum subscription न्यूनतम अभिरक्षा - minimum custody न्यूनतम अवयव - least element न्यूनतम आय - minimal income न्यूनतम आवश्यकता विधि - minimum requirement method न्यूनतम उपबीजावली - least subalgebra न्यूनतम ऑक्सीजन क्षेत्र - oxygen minimum zone न्यूनतम ऑक्सीजन परत - oxygen miniumm layer न्यूनतम कर्मवाहक शेष, न्यूनतम कामचलाऊ शेष - minimum working balance न्यूनतम कलन - minimal calculus न्यूनतम कालानुपाती दर - minimum time rate
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :