Meaning of (निछान—) nichhana— in english
As noun : virgin Ex:  To stop being virgin
sterling sheer Ex:  presence Act, Action to stand for a moment in any place, to meet any duty or sheer civility nothing but Ex:  You have caused nothing but misery". only if Ex:  During debates, Members may speak only if called upon by the Speaker . none but nothing more than Ex:  Sproat suggests that this may be nothing more than an effect of Zipf's law no more than Ex:  Elections must be called at no more than five-year intervals. even Ex:  Close was not present, and was not even on speaking terms with the team. not much more than purely Ex:  Proper names continued to be usually written in purely "ideographic" fashion.
As adjective : pure Ex:  In pure literary criticism his principal work is the Commentaire sur Corneille unadulterated unalloyed Ex:  , twenty-four are unalloyed authentic Ex:  Shimon Peres proves unequivocally that the Protocols are authentic undiluted mere Ex:  The case of "beauty" is different from mere "agreeableness" because just Ex:  Albert just went out for a newspaper . all Ex:  She took all the notes from her friend.
As adverb : merely Ex:  Arrondissements and cantons are merely administrative divisions. strictly Ex:  However there are no strictly endemic mammals. only Ex:  I am only joking. simply Ex:  This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. exclusively Ex:  Organized football is played almost exclusively by men and boys alone Ex:  Billy's mother Lynn is now alone with the gremlins barely Ex:  He barely made it through the song. scarcely Ex:  There was scarcely a house in which only one died but Ex:  You have caused nothing but misery".
Suggested : not false or copied genuine real of, pertaining to, or noting British money not diluted or made impure by adulterating pure a person who has never had sexual intercourse free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind free from extraneous matter
Word of the day
(निछान—) nichhana—
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :