Meaning of (निछान—) nichhana— in english

As noun : virgin Ex:  To stop being virgin
sterling sheer Ex:  presence Act, Action to stand for a moment in any place, to meet any duty or sheer civility nothing but Ex:  You have caused nothing but misery". only if Ex:  During debates, Members may speak only if called upon by the Speaker . none but nothing more than Ex:  Sproat suggests that this may be nothing more than an effect of Zipf's law no more than Ex:  Elections must be called at no more than five-year intervals. even Ex:  Close was not present, and was not even on speaking terms with the team. not much more than purely Ex:  Proper names continued to be usually written in purely "ideographic" fashion.
As adjective : pure Ex:  In pure literary criticism his principal work is the Commentaire sur Corneille unadulterated unalloyed Ex:  , twenty-four are unalloyed authentic Ex:  Shimon Peres proves unequivocally that the Protocols are authentic undiluted mere Ex:  The case of "beauty" is different from mere "agreeableness" because just Ex:  Albert just went out for a newspaper . all Ex:  She took all the notes from her friend.
As adverb : merely Ex:  Arrondissements and cantons are merely administrative divisions. strictly Ex:  However there are no strictly endemic mammals. only Ex:  I am only joking. simply Ex:  This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. exclusively Ex:  Organized football is played almost exclusively by men and boys alone Ex:  Billy's mother Lynn is now alone with the gremlins barely Ex:  He barely made it through the song. scarcely Ex:  There was scarcely a house in which only one died but Ex:  You have caused nothing but misery".
Suggested : not false or copied genuine real of, pertaining to, or noting British money not diluted or made impure by adulterating pure a person who has never had sexual intercourse free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind free from extraneous matter
Exampleनिछान— का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(निछान—) nichhana— can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : niChaana—

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