Meaning of (निबोध) nibodha in english
As noun : regard Ex:  He said he was particularly once the contractors of Operations, regard the raising of public funds
get through figure out apprehend gather Ex:  It said, in terms of Music, Two parts that meet one to another and often gather know Ex:  Bill doesn't know beans about car engines . tumble to take it Ex:  She is to take it and rate Ex:  Uzbekistan has a 99.3% literacy rate among adults older than 15 grasp Ex:  The handle of the tool is too big, too short, it was difficult to grasp it, it can not conveniently enter the translate Ex:  Operators soon learned to translate the clicks directly into dots and dashes work out suss pick out feel Ex:  Note:Some feel that the Lakota tradition are not really shamanic. get the picture see daylight think Ex:  Whenever I see a rainbow, I think of Susan . relate to Ex:  The following descriptions relate to sato kagura dig get the message chalk up to make Ex:  I hope you can make our party . make sense of catch make head or tail of do Ex:  "I assumed we'd do a few years of research first," Borlaug later recalled form Ex:  This form perishes quickly knew Ex:  I just knew John was going to have at Fred . have Ex:  All the prices have been assessed approximately. ken knowing Ex:  He talks about it in the air and without knowing what it is about catch up on discern Ex:  It means figuratively the faculty of feeling, to discern the beauties and defects that are found in the works of the mind, in the productions of arts bear Ex:  Aiming, watching carefully where must bear the shot of a firearm, a crossbow, etc get Ex:  He knocked himself out to get there on time . look on explain away straighten out talk some sense into expound Ex:  Susan Calvin expound a moral basis behind the Laws.
As verb : get Ex:  He knocked himself out to get there on time . reckon deem consider Ex:  The distinctions between the two are subtle, and some consider them unhelpful. realize Ex:  A lost recovery, a recovery made so skillfully that she does not realize is comprehend Ex:  At that age, Sorkin did not always comprehend the plot of the plays understand Ex:  "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," and reneged on his promise. examine Ex:  Going into detail of things, examine things in detail latch on believe Ex:  I dont believe in ghouls. assume Ex:  In certain emergencies the President may assume special, comprehensive powers. put down Ex:  Bring down, put down penetrate Ex:  These tags are quantum dots attached to proteins that penetrate cell walls. read Ex:  They were not taught to read or write. take for Ex:  It means figuratively Aversion we take for something or someone see Ex:  I raced for the door to see who was there . sink in calculate Ex:  of both genders who can not calculate see through Ex:  It also means Who is transparent, which allows light to pass freely, so that you can see through make out take in Ex:  It is, by extension, the Food hares, pheasants and other game coming out of the woods, take in the surrounding fields learn Ex:  "You could listen to his songs and actually learn how to live". school Ex:  By 335 BC, he established his own school there, known as the Lyceum. realize Ex:  A lost recovery, a recovery made so skillfully that she does not realize is understand Ex:  "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," and reneged on his promise. find out Ex:  If someone find out for respect before make out have on Ex:  Make use of the ascendant you have on him learn Ex:  "You could listen to his songs and actually learn how to live". recognize Ex:  Today there are dolls that can recognize and identify objects get on Ex:  You really should get on the bandwagon . know Ex:  Bill doesn't know beans about car engines . intimate Ex:  Not being one, is said to be one to express a close, intimate union between two or even more people suggest Ex:  Some estimates suggest an ice-free summer Arctic by 2040 denote Ex:  Jewellery has been used to denote status. show Ex:  Go was referenced in the Pilot episode of the TV show "Criminal Minds". unfold explain Ex:  In response, Pope John Paul II issued two documents to explain church teaching. warn Ex:  At least I warn you persuade Ex:  You can't persuade me . explain Ex:  In response, Pope John Paul II issued two documents to explain church teaching. show Ex:  Go was referenced in the Pilot episode of the TV show "Criminal Minds". bring Ex:  Can I bring him back again? instruct Ex:  He took care to instruct
Suggested : to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision contemplate reflect on to form or have an opinion judge think to count, compute, or calculate, as in number or amount to look upon or think of with a particular feeling to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of
Word of the day
(निबोध) nibodha
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :