Meaning of (निर्मर्याद) nirmaryada in english
As noun : crude Ex:  The region is abundant in fossil fuels including crude oil and lignite coal.
yokelish impossible Ex:  These feature impossible constructions ill bred abrupt rough discourteous lowbred unmannered ill mannered bad mannered bounderish
As adjective : imprudent pert perky lordly imperious vulgar Ex:  The ignorant vulgar coarse Ex:  It says Women of the hall and, by extension, the women who have bold manners and coarse expressions rude Ex:  The region is abundant in fossil fuels including crude oil and lignite coal. barbarous unparliamentary uncouth underbred impolite uncivil ungracious indelicate indecorous uncourteous unmannerly brusque
Suggested : composed of relatively large parts or particles characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste domineering in a haughty manner dictatorial overbearing suitable for a lord, as trappings or ceremonies grand or magnificent boldly forward in speech or behavior impertinent saucy
Word of the day
(निर्मर्याद) nirmaryada
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :