Meaning of (निर्मोहिनी) nirmohinee in english

As noun : ruthless
unpitying stern iron Ex:  68 grams of carbohydrate , 12.2 grams of dietary fiber, and 3.6 mg of iron .
As adjective : cruel Ex:  , Drinking the cup to the dregs, suffer a complete humiliation, a long and cruel pain, evil in its whole extent, by referring to one of the scenes of the Passion of Jesus Christ pitiless unrelenting inhumane hard hearted uncharitable remorseless inhuman
Suggested : Chemistry a ductile, malleable, silver-white metallic element, scarcely known in a pure condition, but much used in its crude or impure carbon-containing forms for making tools, implements, machinery, etc Symbol lacking qualities of sympathy, pity, warmth, compassion, or the like cruel brutal firm, strict, or uncompromising not relenting not yielding or swerving in determination or resolution, as of or from opinions, convictions, ambitions, ideals, etc inflexible willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others
Exampleनिर्मोहिनी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(निर्मोहिनी) nirmohinee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : nirmohinii

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