Meaning of (निर्वृत) nirvaृta in english

As noun : house Ex:  The convassers visited every house in the locality.
home Ex:  Cleveland is home to Playhouse Square Center abode breeding ground stitch hall Ex:  The first step was to move the fireplaces towards the walls of the main hall flat Ex:  It has three flat pins to form a Y-shape. place Ex:  Generally any place where event driven instructions occur for AI in a game housing Ex:  Because of housing problems in Glasgow and Edinburgh stronghold Ex:  In terms of feudal jurisprudence, Fief servant, one who belongs to another stronghold called Fief dominant quarter Ex:  at the end of the year, the quarter dwelling Ex:  , Skip to someone, Go, enter someone whose dwelling is located on the road that one takes to go to some other place niche accommodations accommodation Ex:  I lend this accommodation lodging home Ex:  Cleveland is home to Playhouse Square Center dig quarter Ex:  at the end of the year, the quarter contented fulfilled Ex:  Ratzinger fulfilled his institutional role pleased Ex:  be pleased with everything delighted Ex:  I am delighted that he has won the case chirpy jolly upbeat unabashed unheeding unworried unmindful unembarrassed completed Ex:  He completed the work of Black dead Ex:  The casualties for this campaign were: Sudan: 30,000 dead over Ex:  I only glanced over the papers . bloody Ex:  Cruel bloody outrage absolute Ex:  Neither party had absolute majority in the Congress. radical Ex:  More radical Homerists relative Ex:  Since is extremely large relative to ordinary human scales clear Ex:  Dyck points out that "the record is not as clear as Morton and Knopff imply. the full measure of fill Ex:  Cover or fill enamel plain Ex:  Other cities of the north Italian plain positive Ex:  However, a number of important positive feedbacks do exist. unconditioned total Ex:  The total number of Rifle Corps started at 62 on 22 June 1941 clean Ex:  It is not usual to clean in depth perfect Ex:  The common market structures studied include perfect competition unwooded treeless Ex:  The Arctic region consists of a vast ice-covered ocean surrounded by treeless
As verb : off Ex:  We hardened off the plants . up Ex:  We should bandage up the wounds first . complete Ex:  It was his first complete game in almost two years. accomplished Ex:  All species are accomplished long-distance foragers utter consummate
As adjective : satisfied Ex:  Tchaikovsky himself was than less satisfied with this, his last ballet. fulfilling Ex:  Rén is the virtue of perfectly fulfilling one's responsibilities toward others jovial happy Ex:  Eliot was not happy at Merton and declined a second year there. glad Ex:  How glad I am to have met you blithe merry cheerful exultant spry negligent careless finished Ex:  Kubrick complimented them on their work only after the movie was finished integral Ex:  Munich is an integral part of the Autobahn network of southern Germany. thorough Ex:  It also said the result of this thorough and Deciding means plenary Ex:  There is such a church plenary indulgence to full fledged clean acceptance,complete,completed,exhaustive,finished,full,ntegral,laudatory,plenary,ripe straight out unqualified finished Ex:  Kubrick complimented them on their work only after the movie was finished
As adverb : regardless Ex:  Each member, regardless of age, was assessed equally. outright in toto thoroughly Ex:  In some cases human remains were not even thoroughly studied through Ex:  Office Max, BP, and Oglebay Norton, many through acquisitions or mergers.
Suggested : one complete movement of a threaded needle through a fabric or material such as to leave behind it a single loop or portion of thread, as in sewing, embroidery, or the surgical closing of wounds a place where animals breed or to which they return to breed a place in which a person resides residence dwelling habitation home a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household a building in which people live residence for human beings
Exampleनिर्वृत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(निर्वृत) nirvaृta can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : nirvaृta

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