Meaning of (निषेवन) nishevana in english

As noun : help Ex:  I sent down John to help .
service Ex:  Two interesting variants that never saw service were the M1E5 and T26 . care Ex:  There has long been a high standard of health care in the city. charity Ex:  OEuvre charity ministration behaviour Ex:  While behaviour is often a target of the work demeanor character Ex:  The character has been developed as a vehicle for serials on radio usage Ex:  Examples of such usage include abbreviations such as "CD" and "DVD". treatment Ex:  Most clinicians agree on the treatment of early Lyme disease infections. demeanour practice Ex:  One example of this practice is Microsoft prayer Ex:  They usually contain separate rooms for prayer service Ex:  Two interesting variants that never saw service were the M1E5 and T26 . worship Ex:  While the different styles of worship generally reflect the theological splits performance Ex:  The tour finished in May 2004 with a performance at the Coachella Festival. exercise Ex:  Survey work has many benefits if performed as a preliminary exercise to proceedings Ex:  Jack interrupts the proceedings by knocking over a boulder. adherence affection Ex:  People referred to them with affection and respect as pirs . attachment Ex:  Gallican doctrine or attachment to this doctrine adhesion connection Ex:  Most routes require a connection in Bridgetown. fondness relation Ex:  A variety of issues are often raised in relation to global warming. perseverance Ex:  This action provides a significant example of what can perseverance devotion Ex:  Exciter devotion assiduity connection Ex:  Most routes require a connection in Bridgetown. bridge Ex:  There are eight major bridge spans in Manila hang out get Ex:  Every time John walks by I get the once-over . keep Ex:  ‘Do you keep a journal? be Ex:  Scandalmongers should be punished. turn Ex:  The Byzantines were in turn defeated move in Ex:  Although the Yellow House had to be furnished before he could fully move in wait in Ex:  In military terms, Waiting firm up the enemy, the wait in the resolution him well dispute the ground if present stand Ex:  In General Elections, they stand as party politicians. stop Ex:  As Hornet glided to a stop settle Ex:  We took day to settle this matter make out bide room Ex:  It has replaced the Throne room in importance and use.
As verb : serves Ex:  It serves as primary home to one of South Africa's most famous football sides pray Ex:  In style religious, Spreading his soul before God, pray to Him effusively love Ex:  Freewheelin' also included a mixture of love songs and jokey live Ex:  Poultry was shipped live or killed, plucked, and packed on ice . abide reside Ex:  Tibetans reside mostly in the northern and eastern reaches of the state. remain Ex:  Years later, her memory would remain a 'fetish' with Chaplin. occupy Ex:  They occupy territories of 8–20 km² exist Ex:  Variations on these basic rules exist stay Ex:  Eleanor enjoyed her stay occupies Ex:  It occupies a total area of 27,900 km² .
As adjective : contact, link
Suggested : generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless to act as a servant a state of mind in which one is troubled worry, anxiety, or concern an act of helpful activity help aid to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need contribute strength or means to render assistance to cooperate effectively with aid assist
Exampleनिषेवन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(निषेवन) nishevana can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : niShevana

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