Meaning of (निष्टपन) nishtapana in english
As noun : grill Ex: , chopped, beaten and wrapped in slices of bacon, we put on the grill roasting
brown Ex: As its temperature continues to rise, cheese will brown and eventually burn. combustion Ex: Chemistry property which certain body to give off light in the darkness, without heat or combustion sensitive start Ex: Game 2 marked Koufax's third start in eight days. scald set light to strike Ex: To strike the welding arc get Ex: If I get caught, my goose is cooked . rippen burn Ex: This wood does not burn fix fire Ex: She went on to fire a total of 93 of her heavy shells. roast Ex: Cooking What in a meal is used after the roast and before dessert do Ex: Toothed whales do not make the long
As verb : roast Ex: Cooking What in a meal is used after the roast and before dessert kindle light Ex: It was built in 1869–70. The Waipapa Point light consume Ex: Uruguayans, Brazilians, Bolivians, and Venezuelans regularly consume wine. burn Ex: This wood does not burn ignite put on Ex: COATING is also working with the name of the garment as a direct complement and means put on oneself, especially when speaking of the ceremonial clothes and other brands dignity to incinerate concoct ripen Ex: Coming to maturity ripen cook Ex: They used the wood of their wagons to cook the meat and make jerky. bake Ex: Old machine attached to a long stick, with which the furnace is cleaned, when you want to bake bread stew Ex: By extension, a potato stew prepare Ex: While there, he helped Kneale and Kerr to prepare their 'monster' prop.
Suggested : to start (a fire) cause (a flame, blaze, etc) to begin burning the act or process of burning to bake (meat or other food) uncovered, especially in an oven a dark tertiary color with a yellowish or reddish hue a grated utensil for broiling meat, fish, vegetables, etc, over a fire gridiron
Exampleनिष्टपन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(निष्टपन) nishtapana
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :