Meaning of (नैमित्तिक) naimittik in english
As adjective : casual Ex:  Originally pursued as a casual hobby उ: नैमित्तिक कर्म करने से पुण्य तथा न करने से पाप होता है।
Other :
occasional Ex:  In March and April, it is pleasant, with occasional high humidity. उ: नित्य, नैमित्तिक और काम्य, इन भेदों से व्रत तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। accidental Ex:  In this sense, it is also working intransitively and means Losing breathing following an accidental compression of the throat उ: नैमित्तिक कर्म विशेष अवसरों पर किए जाते है, जैसे श्राद्ध।
Suggested : happening by chance or accident not planned unexpected occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals occurring now and then happening by chance fortuitous
Exampleनैमित्तिक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(नैमित्तिक) naimittik
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :