Meaning of (नैवेद्य) naivedy in english
Other : offerings made to a deity उ: करवों में लड्डू का नैवेद्य रखकर नैवेद्य अर्पित करें।
oblation उ: चन्दन, अक्षत, धूपबत्ती, दीप, नैवेद्य से पूजन करके भोग लगाया जाता है। offertory उ: नैवेद्य में सात आसें बनायी जाती हैं तो व्रत करने वाली स्री खाती है। offering Ex:  Specialist gymnasia and high schools offering musical उ: नैवेद्य ईश्वर को चढ़ाये जाने वाले पदार्थ को कहते हैं।
Suggested : something offered in worship or devotion, as to a deity an oblation or sacrifice (sometimes initial capital letter) the offering of the unconsecrated elements that is made to God by the celebrant in a Eucharistic service the offering to God of the elements of bread and wine in the Eucharist
Exampleनैवेद्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(नैवेद्य) naivedy
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
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