Meaning of oopar jana,upar jana in english

Interpreting oopar jana,upar jana - ऊपर जाना
As noun : climb Ex:  The F-15 can climb to 30,000 feet in around 60 seconds.
Other :
move up Ex:  By watching the valve rhythmically move up and down to climb Ex:  The civilain death toll continued to climb as the attack continued for hours. climbing Ex:  Ice axe is often used by people climbing mountains for cutting steps to make
way in ice.
surmount to surmount
Suggested : to mount upon get on the top of mount upon and cross over to go up or ascend, especially by using the hands and feet or feet only to pass from one place or position to another to go up or ascend, especially by using the hands and feet or feet only
Exampleऊपर जाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of oopar jana,upar jana Antonyms of oopar jana,upar jana

Word of the day
Usage of ऊपर जाना:
1. फिर इंकार करते हुए कहा कि मास्ट के सहारे ऊपर जाना संभव नहीं है
oopar jana,upar jana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : uupara jaanaa

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