Meaning of (ऊटपटाँग) ootapataँga in english
As noun : unwieldy
absurd Ex:  Failure which is absurd bunglesome out of shape the odd man out mismatched Ex:  Juxtaposition of sharp colors or mismatched a square peg misfit mismatch the odd one out a square peg in a round hole disconnected outside Ex:  A large concourse of cricket fans could be seen outside the stadium. excursive unaffiliated discursive circular Ex:  Viral genomes may be circular idle Ex:  It stirred up the idle neighborhood nonsense Ex:  It has only nonsense empty Ex:  That tomb has been empty ever since dead Ex:  The arrow stopped the deer dead in its tracks . hollow Ex:  A nice cameo is rarer than a beautiful cut stone hollow
As verb : rambling Ex:  Working on something rambling disjointed Ex:  We noticed some disjointed in his remarks wasted Ex:  This money is fricassee is much fricassee, This money is lost is as much money wasted
As adjective : clumsy Ex:  A clumsy apologist casual Ex:  Ash Wednesday and the poems that followed had a more casual unstylish ungainly heavy handed awkward Ex:  An awkward man in his person, a man who knows what face have unfair Ex:  It says figuratively and familiarly of a Man makes his extreme greed hard, ruthless, unfair artless discordant Ex:  Instrument discordant incoherent irrelevant Ex:  By extension, it is said of a person who is in a case, in a society without be irrelevant staccato unconnected uninvolved unrelated Ex:  The fossil creatures were unrelated to African animals digressive unattached scrappy peerless odd Ex:  , are odd numbers unique Ex:  Chaplin's public involvement with Negri was unique in his public life. unparalleled incomparable useless Ex:  It has a foreword useless meaningless Ex:  , These are words, these are just words, these words are meaningless otiose pointless nugatory nonsensical worthless Ex:  It was a great speech that was worthless superfluous Ex:  excessive and unnecessary Abondance, character that is superfluous
Other : slipslop ridiculous Ex:  The 1960s television series Batman has an arsenal that includes such ridiculous
Suggested : oppressive harsh not graceful awkward unwieldy clumsy utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue contrary to all reason or common sense laughably foolish or false happening by chance fortuitous awkward in movement or action without skill or grace
Word of the day
(ऊटपटाँग) ootapataँga
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :