Meaning of (ऊठ) ootha in english

As noun : extrusion
hump Ex:  After rolling his hump in protrusion Ex:  Having a protrusion in the groin, a bubo in the groin bump Ex:  bump facts Ornaments jut bulge Ex:  There is a tendency for the sides to bulge outwards kind of blood flow gibbosity protuberance Ex:  occipital protuberance excrescence gibbousness prominence Ex:  Brunel rose to prominence when relief Ex:  Since no relief force was able to penetrate the Allied line height Ex:  It is also the second-largest extant bird in the world by height growth Ex:  Population growth in the city is 3.92%. fancy Ex:  Follow his imagination, his thought, his idea, his fancy gust Ex:  A gust of wind suddenly took his hat caprice Ex:  MODE particularly told the passenger that depends on use taste and caprice whim Ex:  Follow her whim exaltation Ex:  The day of his exaltation impulse Ex:  It also works in terms of Marine and called Small sails is added to the great when we want to offer more surface to the impulse of the wind capriciousness gusto
Suggested : to extend beyond the main body or line project protrude (often followed by out ) to come more or less violently in contact with collide with strike the act of protruding or the state of being protruded a rounded protuberance, especially a fleshy protuberance on the back, as that due to abnormal curvature of the spine in humans, or that normally present in certain animals, as the camel or bison the act of extruding or the state of being extruded
Exampleऊठ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ऊठ) ootha can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : uuTha

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