Meaning of (ऊर्व) oorva in english
As noun : inclusive Ex:  Mahayana is an inclusive faith characterized by the adoption of new texts
intimate Ex:  Action Procedure intimate specific Ex:  Pilots adjust these controls to select a specific attitude or mode of flight detailed Ex:  He gave a detailed explanation of the case. full sized large Ex:  Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore broad Ex:  The former is broad gauge, while the latter is narrow gauge. particular Ex:  Upon completing a particular collection
As adjective : comprehensive Ex:  He led England to a comprehensive 8-wicket victory extensive Ex:  While there were extensive vineyards planted at Monticello expansive Ex:  Black held an expansive view of federal power spacious Ex:  He also said of a hallway, a spacious corridor running along the rooms of an apartment full scale wide Ex:  It's the best in the whole wide world . wide ranging full size
Suggested : having a wide range or extent comprehensive extensive associated in close personal relations of great extent wide broad including the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account of large scope covering or involving much inclusive
Word of the day
(ऊर्व) oorva
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi .
Transliteration :