Meaning of pahara dena in english

Interpreting pahara dena - पहरा देना
As noun : keep watch Ex:  In this town, are the citizens who keep watch
As verb :
patrol Ex:  He anchored next to the King's harbor patrol ship on March 4, 1493 in Portugal.
Other : to guard Ex:  Impersonally, the army marched, and remained two battalions to guard the parade to keep a watch watch Ex:  Two assistants were assigned to keep a constant watch on Laika before launch. sentinel Ex:  Record the sentinel
Suggested : a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching to be alertly on the lookout, look attentively, or observe, as to see what comes, is done, or happens (of a police officer, soldier, etc) to pass along a road, beat , etc, or around or through a specified area in order to maintain order and security
Exampleपहरा देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pahara dena Antonyms of pahara dena

Word of the day
pahara dena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : paharaa denaa

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