Meaning of pair ghasit kar chalana in english
Interpreting pair ghasit kar chalana - पैर घसीट कर चलना
As noun : stomp Ex: This horse does is stomp
drag slog shamble plod stamp Ex: Burn a figure on a stamp shuffle tramp stump pad Ex: split steak, steak that was only half the thickness of ordinary pad and which is used for places where no cars scuff shambling scuffle trudge footslog shuffling
Suggested : to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot shambles, (used with a singular or plural verb)
Exampleपैर घसीट कर चलना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pair ghasit kar chalana Antonyms of pair ghasit kar chalana
a slaughterhouse to hit hard, as in boxing or cricket slug to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail stamp ( defs 1–3 )
Word of the day
pair ghasit kar chalana
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
paira ghasiiTa kara chalanaa
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