Meaning of pakshapatee,pakshapati in english

Interpreting pakshapatee,pakshapati - पक्षपाती
As noun : discriminatory Ex:  He argued with superiors who he felt were discriminatory against him उ:   यह एक पक्षपाती प्रतिनिधित्व है।
As adjective :
partial Ex:  When several partial references and tellings survive उ:   यह जरासंध का पक्षपाती और कृष्ण का विरोधी था। tendentious Ex:  This book shoulds be read with severe criticism, Because It is very tendentious उ:   उनकी कर व्यवस्था भी तक़रीबन इसी स्तर की पक्षपाती थी।
Other : partial/partisan उ:   क्षेत्रीय प्रेस ने हिंसा के दौरान एक पक्षपाती भूमिका निभाई। protective Ex:  Green tea may be protective , though the data is mixed. उ:   वे सभी अन्यायों के विरुद्ध एक साथ जेहाद बोलने के पक्षपाती थे। partisan Ex:  Other partisan activist groups include Young Americans for Freedom on the right उ:   आर्थिक समस्याओं के समाधान में उपयोगितावाद के समावेश का पक्षपाती था।
Suggested : an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance having the quality or function of protecting characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of racial, religious, or sexual bias being such in part only not total or general incomplete
Exampleपक्षपाती का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pakshapatee,pakshapati Antonyms of pakshapatee,pakshapati

Word of the day
Usage of पक्षपाती:
1. जबसे चीन शक्तिशाली हो गया है तबसे वह न सिर्फ पक्षपाती हो गया है, बल्कि एक मित्रहीन देश की तरह पेश आने लगा है jagran.comRelated words :
pakshapatee,pakshapati can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pakShapaatii

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