Meaning of palla in english
Interpreting palla - पल्ला
As noun : leaf Ex: In terms of Botany, The teeth of a leaf उ: अपना काम निकलते ही पल्ला झाड़ना भी इन्हें खूब आता है।
corner of a cloth flap Ex: She left a flap of her dress these thorns hem lap Ex: She left a flap of her dress these thorns
Other : to seek favours from to be in a position of strength to make an humble appeal for being granted a favour to prove stronger hem/border/extreme end of a cover garment side Ex: A Twenty20 match consists of 20 overs for each side facet scale/pan of a balance charges paid for carrying bags of grain to attain riddance to acquire an upper hand to be under the benevolent protection of to have to obtain to be entrusted to to thrust on to marry off lappet
Suggested : one of the small, polished plane surfaces of a cut gem one of the surfaces forming the outside of or bounding a thing, or one of the lines bounding a geometric figure to fold back and sew down the edge of (cloth, a garment, etc) form an edge or border on or around to swing or sway back and forth loosely, especially with noise one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant
Exampleपल्ला का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of palla Antonyms of palla
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Usage of पल्ला:
1. सरकारी खंभे से युवक घायल, प्रशासन ने पल्ला झाड़ा ibnlive.com2. भाजपा भले ही बैठक में सीएम प्रत्याशी के नाम का एलान करने से पल्ला झाड़ रही हो लेकिन यहां जुटे बड़े नेताओं को कार्यकर्ताओं ने अपनी मंशा से अवगत करा दिया हैamarujala.com3. निगम के जिम्मेदार अफसर तालाबों पर जल्द कंट्रोल रूम बनाने की बात कहकर जिम्मेदारी से पल्ला झाड़ रहे हैं bhaskar.comRelated words :As noun : पल्लव - seedling पल्लवांकुर - trunk
As adjective : पल्लवग्राही - superficial
Other : पल्लड़ - पल्लव ग्राहिता - पल्लव चारण - browsing पल्लव द्रु - पल्लवक - पल्लवग्राहिता - superficiality पल्लवग्राही पांडित्य - पल्लवद्रु - पल्लवन - पल्लवना - पल्लवांकन - feathering
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun, Verb and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from modification of Sanskrit and/or Persian language by locals .
Transliteration :