Meaning of parimap in english

Interpreting parimap - परिमाप
As noun : perimeter Ex:  The center of an ellipse, the center of a square, interior point of an ellipse or a square such that any line drawn through the point meets the edge or perimeter at equal distances on both sides of the point उ:   इसका परिमाप लगभग १८ किमी है।
dimension Ex:  The notation is best explained by adding one dimension at a time. उ:   चारों भुजाओं के योग को परिमाप कहते हैं।
Other : quantity Ex:  He also formulated a version of quantity theory of money. उ:   अर्थात परिधि, परिमाप की एक विशिष्ट अवस्था है।
Suggested : a particular or indefinite amount of anything Mathematics
a property of space extension in a given direction the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figure
Exampleपरिमाप का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of parimap Antonyms of parimap

Word of the day
parimap can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : parimaapa

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