Meaning of parimey in english
Interpreting parimey - परिमेय
As adjective : measurable Ex: Elementary particles are particles with no measurable internal structure उ: सभी परिमेय संख्याएँ बीजीय संख्याएँ हैं।
finite Ex: Isaac Newton also accepted the finite speed.
Other : fit to be or worth being limited rational Ex: Greco-Roman authors imagined the complex but rational system as an allegorical mensurable
Suggested : having bounds or limits not infinite measurable agreeable to reason reasonable sensible
Exampleपरिमेय का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of parimey Antonyms of parimey
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Other : परिमेय अंत-खंडों का नियम - law of rational intercepts परिमेय अदिश - reational scalar परिमेय आवरक - rational cover परिमेय क्षेत्र - rational field परिमेय तुल्यता - rational equivalence परिमेय तुल्यता विधि - method of rational equivalence परिमेय त्रिज्या - rational radius परिमेय द्विध्रवी निर्देशांक - rational bipolar corrdinates परिमेय निरूपण - rational representation परिमेय निर्णयकरण - rational decision making परिमेय निर्णयन - rational decision making परिमेय फलन क्षेत्र - rational function field परिमेय बीजीय व्यंजक - rational algebraical expression परिमेय भिन्नातात्मक रूप - rational fractional form परिमेय मापक्रम - rational scale
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :