Meaning of parivartit karna in english

Interpreting parivartit karna - परिवर्तित करना
As noun : form Ex:  Shinnie speculates that the later form may have actually been used throughout
change Ex:  A format change helped the show's ratings make into convert Ex:  The Spaniards were committed to convert their native subjects to Christianity change over
As verb : vary Ex:  Precipitation levels vary widely.
Other : transform Ex:  ROTATE aussi means clustering interpret, transform
Suggested : to change in form, appearance, or structure metamorphose to change (something) into a different form or properties transmute transform to make the form, nature , content, future course, etc, of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material configuration to change or alter, as in form, appearance, character, or substance
Exampleपरिवर्तित करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of parivartit karna Antonyms of parivartit karna

Word of the day
parivartit karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 14 including consonants matras. Transliteration : parivartita karanaa

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