Meaning of pissu in english
Interpreting pissu - पिस्सू
As noun : flea Ex:  It has a flea in the ear उ: यहीं पर पिस्सू घाटी के दर्शन होते हैं।
gnat उ: अमरनाथ यात्रा में पिस्सू घाटी काफी जोखिम भरा स्थल है।
Other : fleas Ex:  When rats died, their fleas found new hosts in the form of humans and animals. उ: पिस्सू घाटी समुद्रतल से ११,१२० फुट की ऊँचाई पर है।
Suggested : any of certain small flies, especially the biting gnats or punkies of the family Ceratopogonidae, the midges of the family Chironomidae, and the black flies of the family Simuliidae any of numerous small, wingless bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera, parasitic upon mammals and birds and noted for their ability to leap
Exampleपिस्सू का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pissu
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : पिस्सू का काटना - flea bite पिस्सू दंश - flea bite
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender .
Transliteration :