Meaning of pradhikar in english

Interpreting pradhikar - प्राधिकार
As noun : perquisite उ:   सभा के परिसर में उनका प्राधिकार सर्वोच्च है।
privilege Ex:  While the x86 architecture supports four different privilege levels उ:   यानी लौकिक शासक के प्राधिकार पर दैवी कानून की मुहर ज़रूरी होगी। power Ex:  Bhandari held on to power in the 1984 and 1989 elections. उ:   अतः इस प्रकार परिषद् को अत्यधिक नैतिक प्राधिकार है। faculty Ex:  MSU has about 4,500 faculty and 6,000 staff members
Other : prerogative Ex:  Providing a prerogative उ:   इस प्राधिकार को कानून बनाने और उसे लागू करने की शक्ति प्राप्त है।
Suggested : an ability, natural or acquired, for a particular kind of action an exclusive right, privilege, etc, exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like ability to do or act capability of doing or accomplishing something a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most an incidental payment, benefit, privilege, or advantage over and above regular income, salary, or wages
Exampleप्राधिकार का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pradhikar

Word of the day
pradhikar can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : praadhikaara

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