Meaning of pahunchaana in english
Interpreting pahunchaana - प्रभावित करना
As noun : affect Ex:  There are both diseases and parasites that affect sharks.
lead Ex:  However, a victory in the first game will lead to a victory in the second. infuse get Ex:  Vivaldi managed to get the opera through censorship the following year shape Ex:  A contract in good shape pull Ex:  They say even pull the chestnuts out of fire, serve the purposes of another, work for another which one is the dupe move Ex:  Once there, they need to leave orbit and move around. interest Ex:  There was also considerable international interest leaven exert an influence print Ex:  If it is in state two and reads a B, it will print a 1 and stay in state two. give
As verb : influence Ex:  A particularly important influence was Johann Christian Bach sway govern Ex:  The Admiral sent an officer to govern in his place. psych Ex:  In Japan, the anti-establishment Zunō Keisatsu mixed garage psych and folk. impress stamp Ex:  familiarly and absolutely is said in the same sense in speaking Having the stamp of a person who has elegance, particular distinction pierce Ex:  , He was only skin and bones, he glued the skin on bones, bones pierce her skin is very thin infect carry Ex:  Bring her steps wherever, Getting carry
Suggested : to go before or with to show the way conduct or escort to rule over by right of authority to move or swing to and fro, as something fixed at one end or resting on a support the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc, of others to act on produce an effect or change in
Exampleप्रभावित करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pahunchaana Antonyms of pahunchaana
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Usage of प्रभावित करना:
1. रेमो को डांस से प्रभावित करना बेहद कठिन: रोहित रॉय ibnlive.com2. बॉलीवुड के जाने-माने अभिनेता और टेलीविजन एंकर रोहित राय ने कहा है कि ‘झलक दिखला जा’ के मंच पर रेमो डिसूजा को अपने डांस से प्रभावित करना बेहद कठिन काम हैibnlive.comRelated words :As noun : प्रभावित करना[होना - lead
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
prabhaavita karanaa