Meaning of prapatr in english
Interpreting prapatr - प्रपत्र
As noun : document Ex:  The document ordered that baptized children उ: छाप विज्ञापन का पहला प्रपत्र वर्गीक्रुत विज्ञापन है।
instrument Ex:  Sandpaper was even used as a musical instrument उ: उदाहरण के लिए, प्रपत्र को अब ई-मेल में एम्बेड नहीं किया जा सकता है।
Other : proforma उ: प्यार के सारे प्रपत्र इन घटकों का संयोजन होता हैं। form Ex:  Cementoblasts form the cementum of a tooth.
Suggested : external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material configuration according to form as a matter of form for the sake of form a mechanical tool or implement, especially one used for delicate or precision work a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of lading a legal or official paper
Exampleप्रपत्र का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of prapatr Antonyms of prapatr
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Related words :
As noun : प्रपत्र शुल्क - documentation charges प्रपत्र संख्या - form number
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :