Meaning of pratirodh karna in english

Interpreting pratirodh karna - प्रतिरोध करना
As noun : buffer
repulse hold out Ex:  , Having stuck mouth, lips stuck on something, the hold out long applied
As verb : oppose Ex:  When the House of Lords does oppose the Prime Minister repel Ex:  They have united to repel the common enemy, against the common enemy withstand Ex:  Albinos have eyes so sensitive that they can not withstand the light of day resist Ex:  Protection is the tank's ability to resist being detected fight off stand firm
Other : stand against Ex:  It means figuratively Oppose plans, intentions to someone, to stand against something strong, powerful outstand
Suggested : to drive back repel to stand or hold out against resist or oppose, especially successfully to drive or force back (an assailant, invader, etc) to act against or provide resistance to combat an apparatus at the end of a railroad car, railroad track, etc, for absorbing shock during coupling, collisions, etc
Exampleप्रतिरोध करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pratirodh karna Antonyms of pratirodh karna

Word of the day
pratirodh karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : pratirodha karanaa

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