Meaning of (परतिसठा) paratisatha in english
As noun : prestige Ex:  The prestige of eloquence
laurel Ex:  The glory laurel for symbol dignity Ex:  at all lords all honors, to honor where honor, We must give everyone his due from his rank, dignity name Ex:  The city takes its name from the Wat Phnom Daun Penh fame Ex:  There's little evidence of fame or fortune. importance Ex:  A religious importance extended into the Middle Ages in Europe character Ex:  He writes that the character "represented pride Ex:  It also said it is done or expressed in an ingenious way and diverted out of consideration, courtesy, modesty, pride repute standing Ex:  Upland rice is grown without standing water in the field. distinction Ex:  The distinction lies in their relations eminence position Ex:  The position is purely ceremonial, and is not accompanied by political power. stock Ex:  She auditioned for George Cukor's stock theater company respectableness respectability reputation Ex:  By 1793, Beethoven established a reputation in Vienna as a piano virtuoso. face Ex:  Yet to Abraham's face the Hittites said, "You are a great chief among us. celebrity excellence
Suggested : widespread reputation, especially of a favorable character renown public eminence a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation Also called bay , sweet bay a small European evergreen tree, Laurus nobilis, of the laurel family , having dark, glossy green leaves Compare laurel family reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes
Exampleपरतिसठा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(परतिसठा) paratisatha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :