Meaning of (परमफल) paramaphala in english

As noun : consequence Ex:  Another consequence of these circumstances is the fact
corollary aftermath Ex:  During the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath outcome Ex:  Naturally, an experiment can have only one outcome fruit Ex:  The question "The tomato: is it a fruit measure Ex:  Other vacuum gauges can measure lower pressures wake Ex:  In the wake of this event result Ex:  As a result of large investments in nuclear technology subsequence offspring Ex:  God promised Abraham that through his offspring product Ex:  It is usually not enough to build a technically successful product sequel Ex:  Melee, the 2001 sequel to Super Smash Bros. outgrowth Ex:  It means, in terms of Ophthalmology, an outgrowth that forms on the cornea of the eye end Ex:  By the end of the 13th century both in France and England backwash upshot effect Ex:  This effect is not restricted to clocks close Ex:  The struggle for autonomy came close to achieving its goal on November 25 1897 issue Ex:  Pascal looked into the issue of discovering truths
Suggested : any product of plant growth useful to humans or animals a final product or end result consequence issue something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature consequence Mathematics a proposition that is incidentally proved in proving another proposition the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier
Exampleपरमफल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परमफल) paramaphala can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : paramaphala

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