Meaning of (पराभव) parabhav in english
As noun : discomfiture उ: नेपोलियन के पराभव के बाद भी उसके सिद्धान्तों को भय बना हुआ था।
Other :
defeat Ex: Following Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo उ: गंगा के पराभव का अर्थ होगा, हमारी समूची सभ्यता का अन्त। overthrow Ex: Spartan troops helped the Athenians overthrow their king उ: इतिहास साक्षी है कि अपने पराभव काल में भी यह युग वैभव विकास का था। ruin Ex: ruin उ: उसके पराभव के बाद ही आपकी शौर्यगाथा का औचित्य सिद्ध हो सकेगा। humiliation उ: जब बौद्धों का पराभव हुआ, तो उन्होंने इसे अलकनन्दा में फेंक दिया।
Suggested : disconcertion confusion embarrassment an act or instance of humiliating or being humiliated ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc, that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay to depose, as from a position of power overcome, defeat, or vanquish to overcome in a contest, election, battle, etc prevail over vanquish
Word of the day
(पराभव) parabhav
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :