Meaning of (परिबृंहित) paribaृंhita in english

As noun : rich Ex:  Ester was a rich village
flourishing Ex:  This period was a flourishing one for the city affluent Ex:  Since he was reaching affluent circumstances himself luxuriant well fixed well situated flush Ex:  Popular term that means all cons, close, flush elevated Ex:  African Americans have elevated levels of MS relative to Africans. high Ex:  He grew up in Orange County, attending high school at Western High in Anaheim.
As verb : advanced Ex:  Wagner's late stage operas are his masterpieces that advanced the art of opera. improved Ex:  Quality-of-life scores improved significantly fitted Ex:  It could be fitted with or without a side cargo door.
As adjective : prosperous Ex:  Northern German towns grew prosperous as members of the Hanseatic League. opulent Ex:  opulent reception well heeled wealthy Ex:  The only major stone-built area was the wealthy centre of the City well to do well off exalted included Ex:  her suppers often included celebrities accretionary
Suggested : having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods prosperous rich characterized by or exhibiting opulence to be in a vigorous state thrive having wealth or great possessions abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds wealthy having or characterized by financial success or good fortune flourishing successful
Exampleपरिबृंहित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परिबृंहित) paribaृंhita can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : paribaृंhita

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