Meaning of (परिमुग्ध) parimugdha in english
As noun : ravishing
flamboyant fascinating attractive Ex:  Sometimes these modern alternatives are more attractive because personable Ex:  It was not enough to properly represent personable winning Ex:  In 2001, a closely fought election resulted in Kérékou winning another term. catchy Ex:  They are usually catchy songs arresting Ex:  Many airbases have arresting equipment for fast aircraft charm call Ex:  You may call me a Klansman if you will but toothsome sweet Ex:  A sweet emotion taking Ex:  He is taking vodka catch stateliness profile Ex:  "Hub caps" complete the aerodynamic profile of the wheels. cunning
As verb : charming Ex:  "Well, he is a charming man! alluring Ex:  alluring Speech sleek engaging Ex:  Before engaging the Romans fetching
As adjective : exotic Ex:  Duran Duran filmed in exotic locales like Sri Lanka and Antigua seductive Ex:  The brilliant qualities made her seductive vices cute Ex:  , cute Sin, Sin light which we willingly leaves voluptuous Ex:  It is voluptuous in her meal graceful Ex:  graceful Reception snappy appealing Ex:  The latter has a much less appealing sound. beautiful Ex:  At parties he always flings himself at the beautiful girls. quaint pert goodly prepossessing stately luscious presentable Ex:  This letter full of erasures is not presentable droolworthy juicy foxy
As adverb : mighty
Suggested : attractive, especially in a dainty way pleasingly pretty to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm, unusual nature , or some other special quality enthrall strikingly bold or brilliant showy to fill with strong emotion, especially joy of foreign origin or character not native introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized
Word of the day
(परिमुग्ध) parimugdha
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :