Meaning of (परिव्राजक) parivrajak in english

As noun : a buddhist monk उ:   परिव्राजक का काम है चलते रहना।
Other :
wandering religious mendicant उ:   नाथ साधु-सन्त परिव्राजक होते हैं। ascetic उ:   भारतीय परंपरा में परिव्राजक का स्थान प्राचीन काल से ही है। peripatetic उ:   स्वामी सत्यदेव परिव्राजक की "मेरी कैलाश यात्रा", अमेरिका भ्रमण आदि। abraham-man
Suggested : walking or traveling about itinerant a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons
Exampleपरिव्राजक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परिव्राजक) parivrajak can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : parivraajaka

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