Meaning of (पात) pat in english
Other : fall Ex: From around the time of the fall of the Khmer empire उ: पात सानो र २ देखि १० मि. मि. लामो हुन्छ।
falling Ex: "Weight causes falling उ: पात की गति विलोम होती है। leaf Ex: Instrument made of metal, usually bronze, hollow, open, which widens from the bottom of which is drawn from her by a leaf hanging in the inside or sometimes with an external hammer उ: इसका मुख्य आहार घास पात तथा बाँस के नरम कल्ले हैं। throw Ex: To throw in peril voluntarily उ: ग्रहकक्षा और क्रांतिवृत्त के संपात को पात कहते हैं। precipitation Ex: Though the area receives about of precipitation on average per year उ: ग्रह की कक्षा तथा क्रांतिवृत्त के संपातबिंदु को पात कहते हैं।
Suggested : the act of precipitating state of being precipitated to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support
Exampleपात का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of पात:
1. कहते हैं इश्क जात पात और धर्म की दीवारें नहीं देखता वह होता है तो हो जाता हैamarujala.com2. हर वारदात से संबंधित सीसीटीवी फुटेज पुलिस के हाथ लग चुके हैं, पर परिणाम ढाक के तीन पात हैंamarujala.com3. ढाक के तीन पात LiveHindustan
(पात) pat
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals .
Transliteration :