Meaning of (पुरपेंच) purapeंcha in english
As noun : swirling
circuitous whirling whorled looped verticillated winding meandering Ex:  A stream that goes meandering twisting Ex:  The twisting ivy, vines, telegraph son convoluted Ex:  He said, terms of Natural History, univalves Some of shells, convoluted spiral twisty twirly zigzag voluminous sinuate circular Ex:  Distribute, spreading a circular, circular roundabout wandering crinkly
As verb : rambling
As adjective : indirect Ex:  Their greatest impact is indirect verticillate tortuous circuitous wiggly sinuous Ex:  The sinuous coasts Sea curly Ex:  It is, by extension, of a Down Species formed long hair, curly and intertwined, we observe on the surface of fruits, leaves, etc wavy Ex:  étoffe wavy silk by the roll
Suggested : not in a direct course or path deviating from a straight line roundabout having or consisting of loops loopy having a whorl or whorls to turn around, spin, or rotate rapidly to move around or along with a whirling motion whirl eddy
Word of the day
(पुरपेंच) purapeंcha
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi .
Transliteration :