Meaning of (पृष्ठपोषक) paृshthaposhaka in english

As noun : aide Ex:  W. Boreel and his aide
assistant Ex:  Poe became assistant editor of Burton's Gentleman's Magazine. lieutenant Ex:  The lieutenant governor presides over the Senate appurtenant accessory Ex:  On the one accessory adjuvant tributary Ex:  The Rhine then had the Sieg as a tributary but not yet the Mosel. help Ex:  This time with the help of his wife Octavia feeder asst adjutant subsidiary friendly Ex:  Bristol is a motorcycle friendly city. supporting Ex:  Refusing to join other Mugwumps in supporting Democrat Grover Cleveland helper following Ex:  The meaning of several of the following terms can overlap. second in command sidekick acolyte adjunct contributing Ex:  France would end up contributing three corps to the opening of the attack . party Ex:  Russia and the U.S. are party to the Outer Space Treaty mate Ex:  To choose a mate servo contributive supporter Ex:  Von Meck remained a fully dedicated supporter of Tchaikovsky and all his works. accessorial assoc
As adjective : auxiliary Ex:  Fuel has often been stored in auxiliary tanks externally conducive Ex:  Have time conducive instrumental Ex:  Virginians were instrumental in writing of the United States Constitution. helpful Ex:  Ultra decrypts of German communications had been helpful as well ancillary contributory
Suggested : appertaining or belonging pertaining additional supplementary reserve Military
first lieutenant a person who assists or gives aid and support helper nurse's aide
Exampleपृष्ठपोषक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(पृष्ठपोषक) paृshthaposhaka can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : paृShThapoShaka

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