Meaning of (पैक्ट) paikta in english

As noun : covenant उ:   वारसा पैक्ट भी समाप्त हो गया।
agreement Ex:  While there is some agreement on the number of genera उ:   पूना पैक्ट के लिए भी आप प्रयत्नशील रहे। capitulation Ex:  The articles of capitulation उ:   इराक ने बगदाद पैक्ट गुट के देशों से भी अपने को पृथक् कर लिया है। provision Ex:  He also said, by extension, of the spirit that provision is to avoid any narrow view and systematic book Ex:  The first book printed in Hungary was the Chronica Hungarorum. provisions Ex:  Poland has many legal provisions to combat antisemitism bet Ex:  He said specifically, the Game, the Somme, independent of the ordinary issue, as people bet each other and whose fate is decided by that of the stipulation proviso qualification Ex:  This proposal was described as reckless, outrageous: we must see if this qualification is just limitation if Ex:  Rainier was asked if he was pursuing a wife, to which he answered "No". condition Ex:  As the condition progresses
Suggested : a handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc, providing for a particular matter stipulation proviso the act of capitulating the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified
Exampleपैक्ट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(पैक्ट) paikta can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from English language . Transliteration : paikTa

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