Meaning of (प्रतिच्छेद) pratichchheda in english

As noun : resistance Ex:  Egyptian resistance varied उ:   ये दोनों, चतुर्भुज के केंद्रक पर प्रतिच्छेद करती हैं।
barrier Ex:  The Brisbane River has created a barrier to some road transport routes. whammy interruption Ex:  The investigation is ongoing, it is continued without interruption impediment encumbrance interference sticking point obstruction curtain Ex:  Lever down the curtain drag rub Ex:  It is said to similar effect, it does not good rub it wall Ex:  The inscription on the eastern wall block Ex:  A marble block snag clog opposition Ex:  New Patriotic Party, major opposition party hurdle obstacle Ex:  invincible obstacle interruption Ex:  The investigation is ongoing, it is continued without interruption stoppage barricade Ex:  Attacking a barricade bar Ex:  Eloquence the bar kibosh force Ex:  Laws force industry and local governments to process all their wastewater protest Ex:  The annual Mifflin Street Block Party became a focal point for protest revolt Ex:  The Eureka Stockade was a gold miners' revolt in 1854 in Ballarat resistance Ex:  Egyptian resistance varied उ:   ये दोनों, चतुर्भुज के केंद्रक पर प्रतिच्छेद करती हैं। objection Ex:  The Court dismissed the objection and ruled on the merits protestation antagonism contrast Ex:  In contrast with many of his predecessors remonstrance opposition Ex:  New Patriotic Party, major opposition party repulsion strife counter
As verb : set back
Suggested : something that encumbers something burdensome, useless, or superfluous burden hindrance an act or instance of interrupting the evil eye jinx anything built or serving to bar passage, as a railing, fence, or the like the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding
Exampleप्रतिच्छेद का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रतिच्छेद) pratichchheda can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pratichCheda

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