Meaning of (प्रतिबाधि) pratibadhi in english

As noun : obtrusive
antagonist opposed Ex:  The university opposed the bill opponent Ex:  One notable opponent of such plans was the wealthy free black hostile Ex:  West Berlin became an isolated enclave in a hostile land. thwarter opposite Ex:  1937. A critical success opposite Bette Davis obstructor obstructer adversary obstructionist opposer in opposition Ex:  In terms of Motoring, BODY means, in opposition to FRAME see this word, All that, in a car, not for mechanical resister antipathetic withstander foe enemy Ex:  He also was an old enemy of Demosthenes counter contrary Ex:  alternately conspirants movements and contrary counter productive alien unlike Ex:  Prus, however, unlike Bierce, went on from short stories to write novels. negative Ex:  83% of Egyptians had a negative view of the U.S.'s role in Iraq
As verb : oppose Ex:  In this context scientists may oppose spirituality opposing Ex:  Melanchthon joined with Luther in opposing a union with Zwingli. long Ex:  The Dead Sea is long and wide at its widest point.
As adjective : obstructive adverse Ex:  Acid rain has been shown to have adverse impacts on forests unwelcoming unfriendly unfavourable unfavorable Ex:  He said specifically that of balls, depending on their white or black, were in favorable or unfavorable some games or in examinations
Suggested : a person who is on an opposing side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like adversary to act against or provide resistance to combat a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another opponent adversary to block or close up with an obstacle make difficult to pass having or showing a disposition to obtrude , as by imposing oneself or one's opinions on others
Exampleप्रतिबाधि का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रतिबाधि) pratibadhi can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pratibaadhi

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