Meaning of (प्रतिवंधकता) prativndhakata in english

As noun : obstacle Ex:  Irish bench, grassy slope that serves Kind obstacle in horse racing
interruption Ex:  The past participle MONITORING says adjectively of what is continuous without interruption stoppage barricade bar Ex:  Forging an iron bar kibosh force Ex:  Fort Beausejour was captured by a British force commanded by Lt. curb Ex:  Action to curb a car retention restriction barrier Ex:  Without mountains in zone that act as a barrier repression Ex:  Yuri Andropov and then Vitali Fedorchuk, was the repression of dissidents. brake Ex:  It says specifically Mechanism that serves as a brake on horseback car skid suppression pause check Ex:  In terms of Finance and Commerce, Pulling a bill, write a check, sign a bill of exchange, a kind letter in which you load a corresponding pay the amount stated in the one to present this letter check restraint Ex:  It works in this book, he applies it with great restraint of mind, with great restraint brake shoe retardation drag block Ex:  Action block or result of this action bridle hitch Ex:  There is some hitch in this case difficulty Ex:  One difficulty in searching is avoiding an overly anthropocentric viewpoint. impediment disruption Ex:  It often means absolutely Debauchery, disruption disturbance resistance Ex:  So, not only he was the leader of the French resistance movemet “Combat” whammy interruption Ex:  The past participle MONITORING says adjectively of what is continuous without interruption encumbrance interference sticking point obstruction curtain Ex:  Lower the curtain of a theater rub Ex:  rub two stones against each other wall Ex:  They erected Hadrian's Wall to control tribes on both sides of the wall block Ex:  Action block or result of this action snag clog opposition Ex:  There was states' rights opposition to voting rights at Edmund Pettus Bridge hurdle
As verb : set back
Suggested : nonsense a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some mechanical purpose a defensive barrier hastily constructed, as in a street, to stop an enemy an act or instance of stopping cessation of activity an act or instance of interrupting
Exampleप्रतिवंधकता का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रतिवंधकता) prativndhakata can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : prativ.ndhakataa

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