Meaning of (प्रनालिका) pranalika in english
As noun : custom Ex:  customary countries was said of countries where a provincial or local custom is followed
rite Ex:  By the 9th century the Gallican rite and chant had effectively been eliminated type Ex:  In another type of story ceremony Ex:  The media were kept away from the ceremony form Ex:  An inhaled form of insulin manner Ex:  Hence, it does not affect environment in a negative manner . wise Ex:  It is a cold and wise man who always has fashion Ex:  Jews spoke local languages , shared sense of fashion , they shared spaces too . system Ex:  X derives its name as a successor to a pre-1983 window system called W . schematic school Ex:  The Knidian school of medicine focused on diagnosis procedure Ex:  Virtually the only surgical procedure was amputation. approach Ex:  Metallica's new lyrical approach focused on anger, loss, and retribution. method Ex:  This remains the second most important manufacturing method scheme Ex:  Hesiod makes use of a scheme of Four Ages of Man : Golden conduct Ex:  By extension, the reason governs his conduct methodology Ex:  Based on the revised trade factor methodology system Ex:  X derives its name as a successor to a pre-1983 window system called W . line Ex:  Inland, the snow line in summer is at an altitude of about 300m. principle Ex:  Without changing the principle we have changed the method of payment". mode Ex:  User mode allows consoles to be distributed with restrictions applied. apparatus Ex:  In terms of mechanics, it means an apparatus for use a source of energy to produce movement
Suggested : external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material configuration the formal activities conducted on some solemn or important public or state occasion a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated class category a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use a habitual practice the usual way of acting in given circumstances
Word of the day
(प्रनालिका) pranalika
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :