Meaning of (प्रसादस्थ) prasadastha in english

As noun : ideal Ex:  In this political ideal
favourable fortunate understanding Ex:  On this understanding well Ex:  Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us stores in the United States as well as the Zellers concordant friendly Ex:  Casimir was especially friendly to the Jews fair Ex:  REGULATION expressed particular the Action resolve memories entrepreneurs, workers, to reduce the items at fair value large Ex:  A large part of them are people of Chinese ancestry. consonant Ex:  Consonance perfect, consonant interval as the fifth and Octave good Ex:  Satanism is not a good practice. kind hearted good hearted open hearted soft hearted tender hearted pleased Ex:  It is also said to be pleased with his person, his little person delighted Ex:  I hear that you have made a happy marriage, I ' am delighted chirpy jolly upbeat
As adjective : compatible Ex:  These two jobs are not compatible favorable Ex:  Due to his influence with the court, he felt assured of a favorable outcome. congenial acceptable indulgent agreeable well disposed conformable accordant propitious clement auspicious benign indulgent benevolent kind Ex:  Wilde's contemporary George Bernard Shaw was a very different kind of writer. generous gracious merciful benign clement humane soft Ex:  From soft reflections big Ex:  The result has been a big hit to the economy which had been growing steadily. jovial happy Ex:  After the happy years of the rule of Taddeo Pepoli glad Ex:  I'm glad your successes blithe merry cheerful exultant spry
As adverb : kindly Ex:  It is a kindly man
Suggested : having good fortune receiving good from uncertain or unexpected sources lucky agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character characterized by approval or support positive capable of existing or living together in harmony a conception of something in its perfection
Exampleप्रसादस्थ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रसादस्थ) prasadastha can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : prasaadastha

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