Meaning of (प्रह्लाण) prahlana in english

As noun : kind Ex:  The Polish operation of the NKVD was the first of this kind
fair Ex:  See all the sights the fair civil Ex:  Wales, and Northern Ireland, and for civil cases in Scots law.
As verb : humble Ex:  kowtowing in the plural, means acts of obsequiousness, too humble attitude before someone gentle Ex:  This man of gentle manners, simple manners, easy manners, mores severe crooked loaded Ex:  Absolutely, he loaded him hunched inclined Ex:  In terms of Marine, Dresser ship, boat, Give a straight position, it is not doing more inclined to one side than the other
As adjective : polite Ex:  It still means Who is civil, polite genteel prone Ex:  Children are prone to
Suggested : free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice belonging or suited to polite society of a good or benevolent nature or disposition , as a person showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc courteous civil not proud or arrogant modest
Exampleप्रह्लाण का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रह्लाण) prahlana can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : prahlaaNa

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