Meaning of (प्राश्) prash in english

As noun : board Ex:  After further development this game led to the modern board game, Monopoly.
pick taste Ex:  Palladianism was being challenged by a new taste for neoclassical designs savour sample Ex:  For a simple random sample from a large population try Ex:  A try involves grounding the ball cuisine Ex:  Key elements of Kolkata's cuisine include rice and macher jhol meal Ex:  This meal is usually served with greens, , etc. dinner Ex:  At the least formal dinner parties meat Ex:  The animals were probably first kept for meat and hides ration dish Ex:  Flat entrance, roast dish, dessert dish, Entrance, roast, dessert served in a dish food Ex:  Bread is a popular food in Western and most other societies fare cheer take out feed Ex:  generic name by which designates some animals, mainly from America, which feed on crabs eats Ex:  He eats all equally diet Ex:  The Inca diet consisted primarily of potatoes and grains food Ex:  Bread is a popular food in Western and most other societies comestible sustenance victuals victual edible Ex:  Roe and caviar are edible eggs produced by fish. eatable
As verb : dine Ex:  The princes of Asia still have people fanning them when they dine feast Ex:  It is also said transitively Shomer a feast to taste food or anything eat Ex:  The animals were probably first kept for meat and hides
Suggested : to try or test the flavor or quality of (something) by taking some into the mouth any rich or abundant meal to choose or select from among a group a piece of wood sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness to eat the principal meal of the day have dinner
Exampleप्राश् का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्राश्) prash can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : praash

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