Meaning of phayada uthana in english

Interpreting phayada uthana - फायदा उठाना
As noun : trade on
play on Ex:  "until I play on this ground". make the most of practise upon put to good use practise on play upon profit Ex:  Set aside the fixed amount of profit for the last year . capitalize on
Other : take advantage of Ex:  Settlers rapidly arrived to take advantage of fertile soils. deriving benefit to exploit Ex:  Policy that seeks to exploit the passions of the multitude leverage
Suggested : Often, profits
pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction Compare gross profit , net profit a dramatic composition or piece drama in the greatest quantity, amount, measure, degree, or number a dramatic composition or piece drama the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either wholesale or retail, within a country or between countries
Exampleफायदा उठाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of phayada uthana Antonyms of phayada uthana

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Usage of फायदा उठाना:
1. आंवला का सही फायदा उठाना है तो आंवले के जूस को अपनी डाइट में शामिल कर लें और इसे रोज सुबह इसे पीएंlivehindustan.com2. दिल्ली की घरेलू मैदान पर विफलता का फायदा उठाना चाहेंगे: बॉन्ड LiveHindustan3. ई-कॉमर्स धूम का फायदा उठाना चाहते हैं हस्तशिल्प निर्यातक LiveHindustan
phayada uthana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : phaayadaa uThaanaa

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