Meaning of phalasvaroop ghatit hone vala,phalasvarup ghatit hone vala in english

Interpreting phalasvaroop ghatit hone vala,phalasvarup ghatit hone vala - फलस्वरूप घटित होने वाला
As verb :
ensuing Ex:  During the first ten years of the ensuing Wars of Scottish Independence
Suggested : to follow in order come afterward, especially in immediate succession
Exampleफलस्वरूप घटित होने वाला का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of phalasvaroop ghatit hone vala,phalasvarup ghatit hone vala Antonyms of phalasvaroop ghatit hone vala,phalasvarup ghatit hone vala

Word of the day
phalasvaroop ghatit hone vala,phalasvarup ghatit hone vala can be used as verb.. No of characters: 23 including consonants matras. Transliteration : phalasvaruupa ghaTita hone vaalaa

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